Monday, April 20, 2009

When a prospect says no - medical billing news!

One of the most disappointing results is when someone says NO to your offer of medical billing services.
The close is the most important part of the sale and should be the least scary.
The scariest part is the presentation. Asking for the sale or asking about the next step should feel like a relief. YOU HAVE GOTTEN FAR in your appointment. You should be proud of yourself.
It is inevitable that not everyone you present to will work with you. As a medical biller seeking business, you have become a sales representative, whether you like it or not. Sales is not easy. Selling yourself is that much harder, but the more prepared and confident you are, the more likely you will land the customer.
If a prospect does not want to make a change to work with you, or if a prospect decides on another billing opportunity, take the high road.
STAY IN TOUCH with that practice - you never know the future and how circumstances change.

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