Friday, April 10, 2009

Customer Service Problems - medical billing news!

The first step to helping an angry customer is to identify why they are upset in the first place. This is the perfect chance to practice your listening skills. Make sure that you listen carefully, and repeat the important points back to the customer so that they know you understand the problem. Trying to solve the problem is impossible if you are not aware of exactly what the problem is.

Often in customer service, the employee will be actively listening but will also be trying to solve the problem prematurely. Listen to everything the customer has to say, without interrupting. Often a solution will present itself while the customer speaks but continue to listen. A customer wants to feel listened to.
Your customer also wants to feel as though you empathize with their problem. Many times, this will be the deciding factor of whether your customer walks out happy or angry. Do not underestimate empathy skills where customer service is concerned.

As you go over the problem with the customer, make sure that you focus on solutions that you can do. Often in customer service, the employee will anger the customer by concentrating on those things that they cannot do. Remain positive and simply explain to the customer all the options that are available to them. If you give them multiple options your success rate rises. All customers like to feel as though they have a choice.

You can usually tell early on if a customer wants something more than you can give them. If this is the case, do not drag out the problem further by trying to solve a problem that you are ill-equipped to solve. Excuse yourself politely and explain that you are going to get your supervisor to see if they can solve the problem.

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