Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Set Up of Your Medical Billing Firm

As a succesful medical biller, you have a choice in terms of the set up of your company.
In the very beginning, we have ALL found ourselves doing all duties and wearing ALL hats. This is to be expected as there is normally a period of limited to no income.
There are basically two models to consider, once you have been up and running for a year or so.
Both CAN be nightmares if NOT set up effectively.
And, not ALL of your prospects will like the set up that you chose, BUT you need to do what is best for you for optimum results and optimum return.

The first way to set up your medical billing firm is to assign each of your employees accounts to manage. They do EVERYTHING for that account from start to finish. This includes any/all phone, appeals, corrections, patient statement generation, claim data entering, review, payment posting from EOB's, clearing house follow up, report generation, client communications and follow up and any/all special projects. This system is very trackable as a client's entire account is monitored by one single account manager. This is helpful as you receive compliments AND concerns.

The second way is to divide your company into departments. You would have a data intake and sorting person, a couple of people only entering claims. Another couple generating patient statements and posting payments and that is all that they do. You would have a couple of people totally dedicated to phone follow up with the carriers and appeals processors.

The message is to know that you can organize according to your style, your client demands, and your personnel. The first option offers a one-stop account manager that is able to answer all questions regarding a given account. The second option offers a departmental one-stop shop per duty.

Consider all of the pro's and con's as you establish and grow your business - go with your own feelings on this, as one person's dream can become your nightmare and vice versa.

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