Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Medical Billing - Earning AND Losing an Account in RECORD TIME!

WOW, what a rollercoaster ride this experience can be! I spent a total of 4 detailed meetings with a chiropractor. This gentleman had trouble with the turnover of his staff. He would hire someone and part of their job responsiblities was medical billing! Totally untrained and ill-prepared, these new employees would agree to undertake that crucial segment of the business and get into such a hole that they would end up quitting. Now, no one necessarily TOLD him that was the reason for the resignation. He just sensed this issue. So, I received a referral from someone that knows this particular chiropractor and I had an initial meeting where we exchanged basic data and all questions / concerns were addressed and I succeeded to receive an invitation to return with a price quote or proposal. I also set up a time to demo my software.

( I learned all of my understanding of the "order" of what to do to prepare for these meetings from a Business Start Up Manual created and offered by the members of The Medical Billing Foundation at http://www.MedicalBillingFoundation.com)

So, I returned and completed my demo with the assistance and expertise of my software representative. I proudly offered my proposal and THIS TIME, I was asked to leave the proposal for further review.
This, generally, is not a good sign. On occasion, depending upon the specialty and the size of the practice and if there is more than a single practitioner, than YES, of course I leave the proposal, fully understanding that it's not simply ONE person's decision. In THIS instance, however - it was just him. I have several chiropractic therapy clients, so experience and comfort was no issue. I know that I was competitive, but there was just "something missing". Some sort of missing element that he was unable to communicate and I was unable to unearth. BUMMER.

I scheduled a follow up appointment for one week out, which was fine. I returned to that appointment with a "blank" contract, so that if we needed to negotiate any points, we could do so fresh. I STILL pushed me off a bit by telling me that he has too much going on in his personal life with a divorce and he has to address his staffing issue, etc.
But, he assured me that we would work together and offered me a check for my set up costs as good will. I DID NOT deposit it, as I "felt" that something was still not quite right.

The ultimate ending of this story is that this Doctor is STILL months behind in billing, to the tune of $50,000 in claims to COLLECT (not just bill), he still has NO front staff person. He is absolutely burried in a billing nightmare and is still having personal issues. He is the same. The end all be all to this situation was that I EARNED and LOST an account in a matter of days! This was a nightmare to me. 1) I know I would totally help him. 2) it would have been a lucrative relationship for us both.

I suppose that the message here is to do your best to address ALL questions and concerns. Give 100% confidence and ALSO know that you will not "win" every account. Some will chose to stay in a difficult rutt for whatever reason.

Anyone else have similar stories???

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