Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Medical Billing Nightmares can Become a REALITY!

When I decided to begin a career in Medical Billing, I was so anxious and excited to just "get out there" and start doing it! I took a medical billing course, I acquired some marketing materials, I named my business, I ordered business cards, etc. As far as I was concerned, I was READY! After weeks of effort to get in front of doctors and practice owners, I FINALLY earned an appointment with a podiatrist - a very BUSY podiatrist! I was so excited. We held our first meeting. I asked the questions that I needed answers to, we got along brilliantly and I left with an appointment to return the following week to present my proposal. When I returned with my proposal, that doctor liked everything that he saw. He liked my service guarantee and my pricing, and most importantly, he liked ME! Then he asked the nightmare question, "Can you show me what you do - or what system you use to enter my medical claims?" Um... UH-OH. I was stumped! I HAD purchased a medical billing software, but NEVER saw it. I couldn't ever get someone LIVE to demonstrate the software, I couldn't afford to pay for a provider set up, which would allow me use of my software WITHOUT an actual doctor client because I hadn't generated any income yet! I knew it was there, and I SIMPLY assumed that I would "use it" once I had my first client. Boy was I wrong! I knew that I was NOT the only medical biller that this doctor was interviewing. None-the-less, one of the OTHER billers earned his business and I know why... I could not demonstrate my product. This was MY NIGHTMARE. I got all the way here, earned the trust that is needed, priced everything perfectly, and then I fell - I FELL HARD. I share this with you only to encourage you to align yourself with the BEST possible medical billing software available in todays market. Since that experience, I learned a lot! I bit the bullet and spent a lot of time interviewing and actually VIEWING demonstrations by various software providers. The one that I chose to buy has HELPED in my ability to earn clients. Now, when I provide a proposal for a doctor and we get to the point where they like my service offering, my pricing and ME - I OFFER to demonstrate my software and what I will be doing for them. My software provider will dial in remotely and run the demo, while we listen to that representative on speaker phone. Now, I sit back and enjoy the show along with the doctor. Because of this powerful relationship, I RARELY lose an opportunity. If I do, it is CERTAINLY NOT due to my lack of knowledge when it comes to my software any longer! I made sure of that. Do yourself a favor - CHOSE A SOFTWARE CAREFULLY!

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